Finding Inner Peace, Even in Chaos

You certainly don't need me to tell you it's pretty wild out there these days. 

There is A LOT happening in our external world, whether that is in the collective (war, politics, societal shifts, etc.) or in our homes (kids, family, work, life, all the things, etc.).

It can get really overwhelming at times, and as someone who can read the collective energy and receive intuitive insights as to what is coming down the pike, I can share from a place of empowered knowing (versus fear), that it's not going to be slowing down anytime soon.

​There is an opportunity here if you are feeling overwhelmed by all that is unfolding in the external world, or even in your own home, to step into your power. Your power to step into the peace that is always accessible within you, in any moment, no matter what is going on outside. 

This can feel like a big claim or a tall order, and your mind or ego may even be sparking up some objections to that possibility right now as you read this. 

But, I can tell you that is 100% possible and that your ability to create the change or shifts in your life, your home or the world you desire, will have 10x the impact if you are centered and coming from a place of conscious response, not reaction. 

I have gone on a deep journey over the last 7+ years and now find myself in a place where this is possible for me in any moment. I have spent hundreds of hours exploring dozens of contemplative practices, being mentored by the leaders in human potential, and receiving intuitive guidance in a deep meditative state on the most effective practices to create shifts. 

And, yet I am also a Mom with a family, doing all the things too. I am constantly adapting practices to fit into my day, so that they are grounding, enjoyable and uplifting for me. 

I was led to create this free series as I know it can serve so many people right now. Over the course of 5 days, you will learn five new practices and uncover lots of insights that help you to:

✨  deeply understand that peace is available to you in any moment, no matter the external circumstances  

✨ how to move and clear energy in your body and in your mind  

✨ how to find and uproot patterns or programming that are non-serving and keeping your stuck in overwhelm

✨ and, develop a set of core practices that you can lean on to transcend any challenge and to turn it into an opportunity 

The best part, is that this series is completely free. The videos will be less than 10 minutes and the practices can fit in your day in 5 minutes or less.     

This isn't your standard class series or "the usual" practice recommendations, (e.g. take deep breaths, etc.), you will be learning insights from 10+ years of deep exploration in behavior change research, neuropsychology, quantum physics and the contemplative practices.

All you have to do is sign-up here or click below and starting on Monday, July 18th the first practice will be in your inbox

Make sure you follow along @theinfinitekids for reminders and related content.

Quick tip! After you submit your email in the form, check your email folder for our message, click "subscribe" and make sure we are in your Inbox (not spam). You will be all set for the first practice on Monday!
